Wednesday, February 12, 2014

So I've gone back to old eating habits... But wait just one minute....

So, for the last two days, I've completely avoided my "health stuff" cupboard, and I went back to eating what most people would consider "normal," (which I DID consider normal, 2 1/2 years ago!).
Breakfast consisted of milk and cereal, maybe a couple bites of my todders' banana, a sandwich for lunch (and even skipped lunch yesterday, had a biscuit instead), and last night's dinner was a burger and fries, shared with my toddler. I even had a couple cookies today at a homeschool co-op meeting!

(My kids have LOVED the last two "junk food" days, by the way!)
[No, I didn't drink soda or eat fast food, I didn't have chips or snack mindlessly either. I felt bad enough as it was!]

What have these last two days shown me? Well, for one, I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!!

I can't believe how quickly the headaches started...
I'm gassy, bloated, and just not feeling like myself AT ALL...

Secondly, I'm not "regular," you know what I mean???
That's an awful feeling that I never wanted to go through again...

And lastly, the bloat is making all of my clothes look ridiculous... (And by my clothes, I mean me...)

My pants are tight, my shirts are not hiding anything...
even my yoga pants aren't doing me any favors here....

NOW WHAT??????
Why the heck did I do this for myself?? So I can show everyone how to do a cleanse!
I'll be taking pictures in the morning (along with a daily paper showing the date and all that fancy-shmancy weight loss picture stuff) and I'll take more pictures as the days go on.
I want to SHOW everyone how fast and easy you can drop the weight.
Am I going to have one foot in the bathroom at all times?
I'm not doing a colon cleanse, ya'll. I'm using a nutritional cleansing program.
Healthy, safe, easy, affordable, and did I mention easy?!?

Yes, I'm going to throw in some light exercise. Nothing that anybody couldn't do.
My jogging stroller will be used (at a walking pace) and my kiddos will enjoy some fresh air for a little while each day, then we'll play in what's left of the snow in our yard.
Sounds easy enough. I'm not going turbo guys..
I'll be writing here (hopefully) every night, for some quick updates.
What I'm eating.
What exercise I'm doing.
What my cleansing schedule/routine is.
Blah, blah, blah.
So, that's it for tonight, guys!
I hope you follow me on Facebook to see my daily updates.
I also post other cleansing stories from my Isabuddies!

To learn more about the cleanse I'm doing, click here!

If you want to get in touch with me about nutritional cleansing,
email me here!

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