Saturday, February 15, 2014

Oh geez... Day 3 update!!!

Hey guys, SORRY I'M A SLACKER!!!! Here is an update on my 30-Day Challenge!
Day 1 went as followed:

Woke up, had some water, did some pilates and some light arm exercises, nothing too big.
Had my IsaLean shake with IsaGreens and IsaFruits, vitamins, Natural Accelerator.
More water, made breakfast for my boys, played with boys, and Disney Junior channel time. 
Shared a banana with the kiddos, more play time, (also pinterest time... yeah...).
THEN THE WIND STARTED TO BLOW!!! So our afternoon walk was RUINED....
Lunch IsaLean shake had Orange Want-More-Energy mixed in (so it totally tasted like an orange creamy!).
Naptime for Mason - kindle time for Brevan - more pinterest/fb time for mama.
Dinner was a salad and chicken/artichoke/mozzarella hot pocket thingy. Pretty yummy! 

Day 2 was sort of the same:
Food went Shake (accelerator, vitamins) - lunch (salad and turkey) - IsaLean Soup though.
No exercise today, except playing with my boys.
Brevan baked these yummy cookies, and our relief society gals brought brownies. LUCKY ME!!!
Day 3 (today) was a cleanse day:
 Light pilates with Brevan. Then early morning Cleanse for Life drink.
Two chocolate Isagenix Snacks! with water and a Natural Accelerator.
More cleanse.
More water. More snacks. An IsaDelight.
More cleanse!
Snacks, IsaDelight, Water.
and finally the last cleanse.
Currently drinking some water!

So I came up with my 30-day Schedule (finally) since the system is flexible.

DAYS 1-30: (My Day 1 is February 13th, Day 30 is March 14th, so I'll take my final measurements the morning of March 15th!)
  1. Shake
  2. Shake
  3. Cleanse
  4. Shake
  5. Shake
  6. Shake
  7. Shake
  8. Shake
  9. Cleanse
  10. Cleanse
  11. Shake
  12. Shake
  13. Shake
  14. Shake
  15. Shake
  16. Cleanse
  17. Cleanse
  18. Shake
  19. Shake
  20. Shake
  21. Shake
  22. Shake
  23. Cleanse
  24. Shake
  25. Shake
  26. Shake
  27. Shake
  28. Shake
  29. Cleanse
  30. Cleanse
Day 31: I will take my measurements and final pictures!

YES - there are a LOT of cleanse days here... This is what you call a "Race to Maintenance."
It's important to remember to keep AT LEAST 5 Shake Days between your Cleanse Days, and only have 2 Cleanse Days AT MOST! I threw some 1-day cleanses in their to fit my lifestyle (my son's 4th birthday MUST be on a shake day! I want some cake!!).

You Cleanse and Replenish until you get to your desired goal.
I hit my goal weight before (130 lbs) but my body composition wasn't really what I wanted.
So we will just look at the way my body looks and the inches, because that's what I'm aiming to change. (Yes, I'll share my weight as well, but it's just a number! *wink*)
Follow me on Facebook & Pinterest!!

And YES - I will share my before pictures... on day 31. ;)

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