Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A real problem that most of us have...

*Long post warning!*

This is a REAL problem that most of us have.


You guys, I thought I planned out my 30-day system out PERFECTLY!!!
I really thought so.
Shake days, cleanse days, and days when I knew I'd have cake....

So what happened??

I let loose. I went crazy. I ate more than I ever do. Seriously.
Since Sunday (a cake day!), I have eaten, constantly, everything in sight.
What can I say about this?
"It happens."
Because it does.

But here's the thing.


Imagine that you're pushing your car up a hill.
It's taking a long time, it's difficult, you feel like giving up, and you begin to slip.
You go down the hill a little ways. What do you do now?

You don't give in. Do not let go and let it roll all the way back down to the bottom.
You dig your heels in and push harder.


Same goes with weight loss, muscle building, and changing your lifestyle.

My eating habits are sometimes awful. I spiral downward. I forget what my goals are.
All it takes is one pair of jeans being too tight to remind me.
It takes my little one staring at me, wide-eyed, as I take "bites" off of his plate. (WOW....)
One look in the mirror after THREE DAYS of CRAP eating... and I'm done.

Time do dig in my heels, ya'll.
So I'm not back at the beginning.
The beginning for me was almost 40 lbs heavier than right now.

The only time I will allow myself to get back to that point is if I'm growing a human.

But I am back to my beginning weight of my 30-day.
Yeah. I'm there.
All that hard work that I've done feels like it was for nothing...

But guess what? Nutritional cleansing isn't all-or-nothing change.
My body will rebound back onto the track I was on much easier.
The weight will still come off.
The inches will still fall from my waistline (and many other places).

So let's finish this, guys.
I still have more than two weeks to go, and I can turn it around.

I've lost so much weight with this system already, I know I can do it.
My health has gotten so much better, I know I can do it.
I haven't felt good over eating for the last few days, so I KNOW I can do it.

This is a wagon that is easy to jump back into.
So that's it guys.

No. More. Over. Eating.

My husband is doing this with me. We're a team.
No more junk in our grocery basket.
No more junk in our cupboard.
No more junk in the trunk.

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